The Dean's Office of the MNF is the first point of contact for all matters that are brought to the faculty.
It consists of the elected members of the deanery the dean, vice-dean and dean of studies with a tenure of two years, as well as the permanent team in the dean's office.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Kühn

Tel: 0381/498-6001
Fax: 0381/498-6002
E-Mail: dekan.mnf(at)
Office: Wismarsche Straße 45, Room107
Office at the Institut: Institut of Physics,
Albert-Einstein-Straße 23-24, Room131
Vice Dean
Prof. Dr. Klaus Neymeyr

Tel: 0381/498-6640
Fax: 0381/498-6646
E-Mail: prodekan.mnf(at)
Office: Wismarsche Straße 45
Office at the Institute: Institut of Mathematics,
Ulmenstraße 69, Building 3, Room 435
Vice Dean
Prof. Dr. Stefan Richter

Tel: 0381/498-6260
Fax: 0381/498-6262
E-Mail: prodekan.mnf(at)
Office: Wismarsche Straße 45
Office at the Institute: Institute of Bioscienes,
Universitätsplatz 2
Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Reinhard

Tel: 0381/498-6840
Fax: 0381 498 6862
E-Mail: studiendekan.mnf(at)
Office: Wismarsche Straße 45
Office at the Institute: Institute of Physics, Albert-Einstein-Straße 23,
Research Building, Room179
Dr. Nadine Rudolph

Tel: 0381/498-6001
Fax: 0381/498-6002
E-Mail: nadine.rudolph(at)
Office: Wismarsche Straße 45, Room 109
- Content-related support for the performance overview, planning and scientific organizational activities of the faculty management
- Analysis, prioritization and monitoring of construction matters of the faculty in cooperation with the Vice Dean
- Financial management (planning and development of the distribution model for the faculty's financial resources)
- Development of faculty reports
- Examination and preparation of doctoral, habilitation and habilitation procedures
- Organization of meetings (including Faculty Council meetings)
- Organization of ceremonies (e.g. honorary doctorates) and award ceremonies (teaching and faculty prizes)
- Editing the faculty homepage
Robert Damerius
Mitarbeiter des Dekans und Studiendekans

Tel: 0381/498-6003
Fax: 0381/498-6002
E-Mail: robert.damerius2(at)
Sitz: Wismarsche Straße 45, Room110
- Processing of staff procedure
- Handling of appeals procedures and supporting the chairpersons of the appeals commissions
- Data management (preparation of statistical overviews and reports)
- Public relations (including faculty colloquia and Saturday University)
- HH affairs of the faculty (incl. HSP and overhead funding)
- Support of the Dean of Studies
- Support in carrying out evaluations
Vivian Breitsprecher

Tel: 0381/498-6924
E-Mail: vivian.breitsprecher(at)
Office: Albert-Einstein-Straße 23
- Examination and preparation of doctoral processes