Welcome to the website of the Dean of Studies of the MNF
Dean of Studies of the MNF
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Reinhard
Tel: 0381/498-6004
E-Mail: studiendekan.mnf(at)uni-rostock.de
Office: Wismarsche Straße 45, Raum 106
at the Institute of Physics:
Tel: 0381/498-6840
E-Mail: friedemann.reinhard(at)uni-rostock.de
Office: Albert-Einstein-Straße 23, Raum 116
Staff member
Robert Damerius
Tel: 0381/498-6003
Fax: 0381/498-118-6002
E-Mail: robert.damerius2(at)uni-rostock.de
Office: Wismarsche Straße 45, Raum 110
Staff member
Dr. Anne Strate
Tel: 0381/498-6516
Fax: 0381/498-6502
E-Mail: anne.strate(at)uni-rostock.de
Office: Institut für Chemie Albert-Einstein-Straße 27
Responsible for evaluations
Tasks & responsibilities of the dean of studies
The dean of studies fulfils the tasks associated with teaching and studies in accordance with section 93 (2) of the State Higher Education Act of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the current version of 2012.
The Dean of studies is entitled to participate in the meetings of the Faculty Council with the right to propose motions and speak (Faculty Regulations 2005 section 17).The election period lasts 2 years. The current term runs from October 2023 to September 2025. Professor Dr Friedemann Reinhard from the Institute of Physics was elected Dean of studies for this term.
Other tasks of the dean of studies include:
- Recommendations for or against research semesters, taking into account the results of course evaluations over the last three years
- Representing the interests of MNF students vis-à-vis the university management, the other faculties and the relevant faculty committees (Faculty Council, Directors' Meeting, University Teachers' Assembly)
- Maintaining the quality level of teaching - on the part of teachers and students
- Monitoring of "studyability"
- Supporting the faculty management, especially in the organisation of studies and examinations
- Supporting the faculty management in the coordination of studies and teaching as well as in ensuring the range of courses required to comply with the study regulations.
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Vice-Rector's Fund for Studies, Teaching and Evaluation
As chair of the extended advisory committee of the dean of studies for Study and Teaching Affairs (EBeSSuLa), the dean of studies works on solving specific problems with the help of selected stakeholders in the faculty. He is a member of the Senate Commission for Studies, Teaching and Evaluation (SK SLE) and regularly reports to the Faculty Council on developments in quality assurance in studies and teaching at the faculty and at the university (TOP "Studies and Teaching").
Useful information
- Accreditation of the MNF 2021:
- Quality concept of the MNF:
- Documents for course evaluation (LVE):